We provide wide range of services
We perform work in accordance with international standards, based on our own engineering solutions

Cooling and chilling systems
"Comfort" company designs, installs, integrates, and maintains air conditioning, cooling systems for residential areas, offices, and public facilities.
We use state-of-the-art, automated technologies that meet all safety requirements.
In this field, we cooperate with Italian companies Aermec, Giacomini.
Heating systems
Heating is the most important engineering part, without which it is impossible to provide complete comfort, be it an apartment, a private house or an office and a public area.
"Comfort" cooperates with such leading manufacturers of heating systems and accessories as Ariston, Giacomini, Rowen, Thermoroom, Radiatori, Emmeti, FIV.
Our specialists make precise calculations to determine the required capacity of the heating boiler or heated floor, the number of radiators, the size of the pipeline և other parameters that will allow to get the best result և to ensure cost savings.

Ventilation and air conditioning systems
Ventilation systems are one of the most important components of living in residential, commercial, and public areas. They are responsible for cleaning the air, humidifying, creating a comfortable microclimate in the room, eliminating unpleasant odors.
Area ventilation և air conditioning involves the development of special systems և installation that require compliance with fire, sanitation և sound insulation requirements.
We have been working in this field since 2018 և cooperating with Rowen, Vorice, Vents, Midea, Aermec companies.

Water supply and Drainage systems
The water supply system is a complex of devices, structures, the scheme of which our specialists make individually depending on the number of consumers, the volumes of consumption, the distance of the water source, and the goals of water supply.
We are engaged in the installation of central water supply and water filtration systems in apartment buildings, as well as the design of individual systems and integration for private houses and public facilities.
Drainage plays no less important role in providing the necessary living conditions. We cooperate with international brands: Hidronix, Grundfos, Elbi, Donsen, General Fittings in the design, installation and installation of water supply, drainage systems.
Electric power supply systems
One of the priority issues during the construction of any building, as well as during the renovation work, is the issue of electricity supply.
The degree of stability and security of electricity supply is mainly determined by how consistent and professional the technical work is carried out in the given system.
We carry out electrical installation work both in apartments, where replacement of old systems is required, and in new buildings.

Security systems
Our company implements security, video surveillance systems of different complexity, design, installation and maintenance.
"Comfort" works in the private-public sector and cooperates with leading global security systems companies.
We guarantee uninterrupted operation of the systems - a high level of protection of customers' personal data.
Fire-fighting systems
In a world equipped with modern technologies, the risk of fire is quite high.
If in a small apartment it is still possible to notice the fire in time, then in large enterprises, apartment buildings, industrial warehouses it will take a long time.
Fire safety systems must be used to prevent accidents. The system is a set of equipment designed to extinguish fires, remove smoke and provide access to evacuate people.
Our specialists design an individual system for each building, taking into account the technical features of the object.
"Comfort" guarantees you the reliability of the fire system և long-term operation.